I tell you what, finding something new to do every month, when you are not traveling, is not that easy. Daily life is just the same old same old. And, eating in a restaurant you have never been to before just doesn’t cut it. So I had to find something different.

I admit, it definitely isn’t something I was scared of doing this time. I had to take my last two days of last years annual leave before the end of April. So I decided to actually take them at the very end of April, which fits nicely with May 1st being an official holiday here in Germany.  Which makes this a 5 day weekend, yeay!

First I thought I would just go and visit friends because, for some reason, I just could not motivate myself to plan and book anything. Not sure, what was wrong with me. The planning phase of a trip is usually my second favourite part of a trip, right after actually traveling. But this time I kept putting it off, I just didn’t think about it.

So by the time I asked my friends, they were all having plans already, either traveling themselves, of having people stay over the long weekend. And I don’t blame them, normally I would have made my plans long before as well. Not just 2 weeks before the time of.

Easter came and with that a visit from my parents. That in a way was a first, we never spend Easter at my place before, but it was not much different from their usual visits. We did some sightseeing in the area, looking at traditional Franconian Easter decorations and ate a lot.

Franconian Easter decorations

After they left, I knew I had to make up my mind on what to do with those 5 days off. Because one thing was for sure, I was not going to just spend them at home. That is a rule I have, I do not spend my annual leave at home, not a day of it.

So I considered my options, flying somewhere sunny or going somewhere close by, maybe couchsurfing. I know this couchsurfer in Prague, who stayed with me twice already. She keeps asking me to come visit her, so she can repay the favour. But the weather forecast didn’t look so good, and I didn’t feel like going somewhere for 5 days of sightseeing in the rain. That also took out all other cities reachable via a short train or bus ride.

After wrecking my brain on alternatives for bad weather things to do, I figured I could do a wellness and spa weekend and really treat myself. I checked online for places close by, and here I am, only an hour train ride from home. The Hotel Reiterhof Wirsberg Bellvue Spa & Resort is located in the beautiful area of upper Franconia bordering the Fichtelgebirge, a scenic mountain range in northern Bavaria.

I booked plenty of treatments, massages and stuff, to make sure I have a chance to really relax. Also, I brought three books. I know that seems excessive, but I wanted to make sure I have something for any mood I might find myself in. And, I want to write at least 3 or 4 blog post for the next weeks. So let’s see how that goes.

Wellness in Franconia Pool Reiterhof Wirsberg Bellvue Spa & Resort

I arrived on Thursday and started off with a body peeling and an hour-long aroma oil full body massage. Heaven! This was be followed on Friday by an Ayurveda foot massage, yesterday by a back massage and a chalk mud treatment and today a facial treatment with head massage. I am not sure, if I can face going back to work on Tuesday, it will be so hard!

My room is at the end of the hallway, so very quiet, and my balcony faces an apple orchard and a little forest. The only noises around are the birds chirping away. On my first day I even heard a woodpecker close by, but sadly couldn’t see it. The furniture is a little outdated, but the room is plenty big with a nice bathroom.

Wellness in Franconia Whirlpool Reiterhof Wirsberg Bellvue Spa & Resort

There is also a fitness room, a pool and a whirlpool and different kind of saunas downstairs. The pool and whirlpool I made some use of already.

I booked a 3-course dinner package, the TripAdvisor references regarding the food were great, and so far I was not disappointed. It always starts with a soup, followed by either fish or meat, finishing with delicious deserts. For lunch today I will walk to the nearby village. There is the restaurant of a famous German chef, who is frequently in cooking shows on TV. I will spend a fortune, but I’m sure it will be worth it.

Wellness in Franconia Reiterhof Wirsberg Bellvue Spa & Resort

Weatherwise I haven’t been very lucky, it has rained and there was hail yesterday. Today is beautiful though, it is sunny and predicted to be up to 20° C in the afternoon. Which would be perfect for a hike or at least a long walk.

So as you can see, life is really tough right now! Well, it is about to become at least a little harder, as I will spend most of May away for work. I will be in the south of Sweden for 2 weeks, then probably on to Holland for 2 days. This is followed by a congress in Leipzig, where I will spend my birthday. Luckily my best friends from Hannover are also attending the congress, so at least I get to spend my birthday with them! Yeay!

I am not sure, where I will fit in the „new“ with a schedule like that, but maybe I could use the weekend in Sweden to accomplish this task.

Have you been to Malmoe or Lund? Maybe you could give me some tips?

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