Welcome to Not Scared Of The Jetlag!

Hi, I’m Eva. In early 2019 I moved to Morocco and ever since I’ve been exploring this wonderful country. I’ve discovered beautiful cities, amazing landscapes and delicious food. Here on my blog I am sharing all these findings with you, to make it easy for you to plan your trip to Morocco. I have also written about my travels to Jordan, the Middle East and various places in Europe, in case that is where you are heading to next.

Read more about me here

Morocco Highlights

You prefer to let others do the planning? I offer itinerary planning for your trip to Morocco! You can check out the details here.

Jordan Highlights

Middle East Highlights

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Recent posts

The Perfect Itinerary for Morocco in Summer – Cities or Beaches

Morocco in summer is one thing above all – hot! In Marrakech and south of the Atlas Mountains, the temperature can and will exceed 40°C and it hardly cools down at night.
For those who prefer a city tour to a beach holiday, the first route is perfect. If you like to spend your days at the beach, swimming, surfing and eating fish, you should take a look at the second route below.

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